It takes a lot of effort and time to start your construction company. But the most challenging part is to keep it. If you’re new to the industry, finding clients and getting your first construction projects can be tricky as your company doesn’t have enough reputation yet.
But even if your company has been working for years, sometimes the loyal customers might disappear, and you can have a hard time finding new ones because you were so caught up in your construction work that you didn’t have time to focus on your company’s marketing. Whatever it is, finding ways to attract and keep clients in construction is one of the central problems in the industry, and we’re here to help you figure it all out.
In this article, we are going to define the different types of clients in construction, how you can learn to attract them and make them satisfied with your services so that they stay with you for a long time.
Types of Construction Clients
Now that you have a secret weapon in your construction project management arsenal, it’s time to take your client relationships to the next level by understanding the different types of construction clients you may encounter. Every client has unique expectations, preferences, and pain points, and tailoring your approach to each group can significantly impact your success.
First, let’s define what we mean by “construction client.” In the construction industry, a client is rarely an individual. Most of the time, it will be an organization or a group rather than a single person. Clients in the construction business can be divided into two main parts: commercial and domestic clients.
Commercial Clients
Commercial clients are organizations or individuals that need a construction project for their business. Some of their responsibilities in the project can include to:
- Provide enough pre-construction information to the construction company.
- Manage the overall project and help the construction company to ensure and handle health and safety risks.
- Oversee and review all the management processes throughout the entire project.
- Ensure that the construction company has a proper project plan.
Some examples of commercial clients include:
- Local authorities
- Landlords who own domestic properties
- Housing associations
The most common examples of commercial projects in the construction industry are the building of restaurants, medical facilities, shopping malls, hotels, and so on. Commercial clients usually require you to work on large-scale and complex projects, so the client management process is also more complicated. It would help if you were prepared that your project will have a bunch of starts and stops, so your approach should be more flexible. At any given project, the plan can change, and you might have to develop a new management strategy.